Fact Checking Policy

100% Accurate Headlines

We strive for 100% accurate headlines and apply a rigorous vetting process to every news article on our site. Rumors and insider reports are identified accordingly to ensure a clear distinction between confirmed information and industry buzz that is of interest to our readers.

Before any article is written, we ensure the information is new and accurate. We verify sources and always trace back to the original source (and reference material if applicable) before the writing process begins. Even if other outlets report an unsubstantiated piece of news as official confirmation, we require 100% confirmation to claim it’s actually confirmed. We do not post clickbait. Our headlines may be bold, but they are always accurate and fact-checked. Football Express articles don’t just report the news; we provide industry-leading context that explains why that news is important to you.

Checking For Official Comment

Anytime we cover a rumor, leak, or announcement from non-official sources (such as Reddit, social media, YouTube channels, untested publications, etc.), we reach out to a representative and/or studio public relations. Even if they cannot comment or don’t respond, we ensure that we have made the effort to contact them. We make sure everyone has an opportunity to weigh in. Our writers and editors are industry veterans who ensure every new article contains the latest, most accurate information and all relevant details.

When we are the original source, we follow basic journalism principles. We value open lines of dialogue with major developers, publishers, studios, and PR firms.

Considering The Big Picture

Standards for feature content are the same, and we stress the importance of research and objectivity. We present a clear argument and, when drawing conclusions or theories, consider and include relevant counterarguments. This approach allows us to address more possibilities and answer questions before they’re asked by readers.

For corrections or update requests, please contact contact@synovatic.in

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