Piers Morgan calls out to sign the Spanish winger for Arsenal

Real Madrid

Piers Morgan went on to Twitter to call out the Arsenal boss to sign Nico Williams for the Holloway-based side.

Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta must be on the close lookout for the 2024 Euro Cup matches. A new star is gaining attention thanks to some stellar performances in the last couple of matches.

Everyone knows how big of a fan Piers Morgan is of the Arsenal side and the Englishman didn’t keep his words to himself when it came to supporting his favorite team again.

Nico Williams, the Spanish Footballer has been gaining a lot of attention following his impressive performances with the Spanish side. The winger put on an amazing show in the Round of 16 match with Georgia on Sunday scoring and assisting a goal along with a 100% pass completion.

The 21-year-old currently plays for the Spanish side Athletic Club in La Liga. However, he is been linked with a possible move to Arsenal rivals Chelsea for the upcoming season. Seeing this, Morgan was quick to let Manager Mikel Arteta know:

The English journalist, quickly after the game between Spain and Georgia posted this tweet. The indication from Morgan was simple – To SIGN NICO WILLIAMS before someone else does.

Further, a report from last week indicated that the Arsenal side was ready to pay the release clause for Williams from the Athletic Club. The pay is believed to be estimated at around £49m which we can call a great deal given the talent at stake.

Nico Williams impressive stats

The Spaniard scored 1 assist and 1 goal in the last encounter with Georgia on Sunday giving another impressive performance.

In the last season itself, the Spaniard found the back of the net 8 times while providing goal assists 19 times. This proves his stature as a young talented winger.

Arsenal is in desperate need of someone like Williams and we believe that Arteta should go all guns blazing to secure this transfer. Further, as the National campaign of Spain progresses in Euros, this young talent will garner only more and more attention. The demand and competition are only set to increase further.

Both Mike Arteta and Sporting Director Edu will be keeping a keen eye on this young talent that’s for sure.

Do you think Arsenal should sign Nico Williams? Let us know!

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